10:30 - 11:00
All The Things
This talk will highlight how wellness is multifactorial and
can be overwhelming, where to start when you are on your
wellness journey, and briefly roll into wellness coaching
services. Molly is a Holistic Health Coach, AcuMyo
Therapist, & Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Provider.
11:00 - 11:30
Dr. Michael Chapman See
What The Energy Has For You
Find out what is really going on with your life's journey
& listen to what your spirit has to say about it in this
metaphysical experience with Dr. Chapman. He uses his gifts
of healing, past, present, and future prophecy, medium-ship
& high energy to activate and grow the spirit within so
you attain the Positive Spiritual Attitude. A Positive
Spiritual Experience!
11:30 - 12:00
Swing to Spring in
Trillions of Mind/Body Cells!!! Omar's Touch Therapy
Learn magical portals on Cranium and Body to tune up Brain,
Glands, Heart, Immune Systems, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs,
Nerves, Stomach! What are your biggest challenges
Cosmically, Emotionally, Physically, Socially? Over 49
years, since 1976, I've served at least 10,000 people. Until
a few days ago, I overlooked the most amazing "Four Leaf
Clovers" of Mind/Body just in time for our Wellness Expo.
Spirit taught me ways to efficiently tune up TRILLIONS of
cells. Have you set goals for Longevity? Quality of Life?
Quality of life depends on the ratio of "E" and "m" in
Einstein's E=mc2 in our Googoplex (infinity number) of
Mind/Body atoms. All together now, let's swing to spring!
12:00 - 12:30
Pet Reiki MKE
Marjorie will be giving a presentation on Reiki for animals.
12:30 - 1:00
Michelle Green -- I
Didn't Know I was Psychic
Learn how to grow your gifts, overcome spiritual doubt, and
be who you came here to be.
- 1:30
Lightworker Ascension
How to work with Spirit or Power Animals, including working
with Dragon Elementals (Earth, Air, Wind, Light, and
Spirit). A guided meditation where you will meet a Power
Animal or Dragon Elemental who wants to work with you. The
first eleven attendees receive a FREE HEALING STONE.
- 2:00
Dr. Joanne Flanagan -
Author & Researcher of "Stressors in Your Life"
Add Life to Your Years & Years to Your Life
How to Stay Balanced When Confronted With Different Types Of
Stressors--Mental, Emotional, & Physical. This includes
EMF's (Electro-Magnetic Fields) & Other Toxic Hazards.
- 2:30
Raise Your Vibration --
Heidi Hoefler
Do you struggle with your weight? Are you a serial dieter?
Does the thought of dieting make you want to start a fitness
routine and run away from the idea? If you answered yes to
any of the questions, be sure to join my talk & learn
what other factors may be sabotaging your weight loss goals.
- 3:00
My Cancer Cure Story -
Jeff Kreger
I'm a Pancreatic Cancer survivor who reversed Heart Disease,
Diabetes, Obesity, and Aorta Rupture. I'm here to share what
I have learned.
- 3:30
Discover Animal
An informative and interactive workshop with insights on
connecting with animals, how they communicate, and messages
they share. Participants will have an opportunity to take
part in brief guided session to connect with their own pet
and its energies.
- 4:30
Medicine Bear Energy Group
Healing By Creator's Helper